Wednesday, June 18, 2008


"Govinda Govinda Govinda….." though I came out of theatre those enchanting words were coming in my mind and on my toungue!

What a movie it was! Great chemistry of acting, music, direction, suspense… The first half was not that much of impressive as it would have been but after the interval things went right. Amitabh Bachchan! What should be said about this person? He has given his best performances in the films like black, sarkar and now its Sarkar Raj…

I am not interested in describing the plot of cinema or its story. I want to praise Amitabh solely through this blog. Abhishek Bachchan was also 'best' fitted in his role. His expressions, dialogue delivery and body language (acting also) is superb. Ram Gopal Verma is back in his past days when he had given films like Raat, Satya, Kaun and Sarkar..

There is not much acting pieces for Amitabh in first half. Abhishek is dominating before interval. He takes some decisions though Sarkar is opposing them but as he says 'sambhal loonga' he makes his father believe in him. And after that things start on. Abhishek is killed. And… original Sarkar takes control. He punishes all guilty people and asks for Chiku, while Aishwarya asking for a cutting

Amitabh has proved himself that no one can alter his place in hindi film industry. Really, no one would have acted in the way he did. He didn't have too much dialogues in film but the dialogues he speaks are just unforgettable. The shot in which Raosaheb (Dilip Prabhavalkar) comes to console him after death of his son and asks who is next… Amitabh just gestures to a place where Raosaheb's grandson is dead… is great. Also the scene when he apologizes in front of shankar's frame is proof of his ability. 'Jaan lena gunnah hai par sahi samay par jaan lena Rajniti'
no one can deliver such dialogues as amitabh does!

There are lots of Marathi actors in film Dilip Prabhavalkar, Rajesh Shringarpure, Govind Namdeo, Upendra Limaye, Sayaji Shinde (but all are villains!) And Sarkar with his son always shown thinking of Maharashtra's progress! Actually before the release of cinema there was a big issue created by Raj Thackeray of MNS about Bachchan family of not being them Maharashtrians. One can not forget these sequences while watching movie! But politics is politics and acting is acting!!! All the people compared Sarkar Raj with its previous version Sarkar(which was also a big hit…) and thought it was better. Yes, in some aspects Sarkar is far better than its sequel. Sarkar was full of politics and amitabh is shown working for people in that but in Sarkar Raj though plot is of a power plant it becomes a film in which a father takes revenge of his son's death!!!

But it is not an ordinary movie indeed! Scenes of riots (background at this particular scene is irritating…) are not so effective but let it be. Aishwarya doesn't have an important role in movie (except she becomes Sarkar at last…) But the movie is really nice and its background is simply enchanting and dominant………

Writing this blog I am getting back to my blog routine which was disturbed due to exams. Thanks to Bachchans, RGV, Amar Mohile for such a nice film…

Sunday, June 8, 2008

I could not write yesterday as my paper of power electronics was not as per expectations, Actually I had studied well for this subject and was expecting a good response from my side in exam. But unfortunately it didn't work! Something was wrong from my side only, I think revision was not sufficient and efficient! Let it be! Somethings are not in our hand.
As Aniket says I am a calculated person but its not true totally. It is true that I hardly change my schedule, I don't follow the time purposefully but it is followed! I do belive in God but I don't believe in different forms of God i.e Shiva, Vishnu, Ganpati, Brahma,Indra other Godesses. I think there is a supernatural power existing somewhere in the universe and that is God. No can see it, no one can predict it, no one can predict it but... it is there , yes... it can be experienced many of must have... But I go the nearby temple everyday. I don't have any special purposes for that, I feel calm and satisfied that's why I go the temple nothing private matter!!!
I had to study for EWRS I am not getting sufficient for my blog. But as soon as exams get over I will a true blogger...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Why the name 'Wagh Bakri' chai???

I remembered an old advertisement that used to come on doordarshan. Actress Sridevi is in court as a lawyer defending somebody and she wins. 'Wagh Bakri' chai was secret of her success!
I could not find the answer to question about name and had scribbled down some nonsense things (I have deleted it now...)

Wait wait wait....
I got a comment from Mr. Jayesh Pandya regarding this post. He has explained the purpose behind the product I am pasting it ...

Dear friend,
A pun with no bones indeed!
Permit me to update you on Wagh Bakri please.
The philosophy of this 100+ years company is "Co existence and Harmony" since its inception. The name and logo remain unchanged, and has been subject of many a management / business school projects.
The name is a logical conclusion of the fact that "Tea" is a drink for all, Rich and Not so Rich, Strong and the Meek, .... the Wagh - Tiger and the Bakri - Goat. And the brand caters indeed to all types of taste and markets.
The second and a more generic explanation is the fact that Tea is a drink which is always associated with relationships. People from varied backgrounds can come together (even a tiger and goat!) over a cup of Tea, forget their diferences and live in peace and harmony!

It was indeed the answer for my question... I apologized him and made promise to publish his answer on my blog. Sorry once again Mr. Pandya

Friday, June 6, 2008

A 'Power'full Day!

This is what I did through out the day!!! Power electronics... Just drawing circuit diagrams, waveforms, problems, fourier series, advantages, applications , etc... It was so boring but no way to get rid of it at least till the paper ends on 7th. But after that there are more dangerous subjects awaiting... EWRS, AMP, DSP, ITCT I really don't know what is going to be happened with me in next 10 days.

It is really a nice experience to write blog. But I personally feel that blog writing can not be more private. As one can write his private thing in diary it cann't be written in blog as blog is a public communication medium it doesn't belong to any particular person. So one can do in his blog is to express his views on different aspects of life, he can share his experiences with everyone or comment on everything but can not share his personal things as he can easily write them in his diary.

I have habit of writing diary. But I can not keep it up to date due to many reasons. I prefer to scribble in my diary in Marathi and not in English as I think mothertounge is the best medium to express our emotions, feelings. I know that the way I can think in Marathi is just impossible with English! But now as a blog writer I want to improve my english writing capability.
Really, it is not as much difficult as I used to think to write in English. Though my language and grammar is not as efficient, attractive as other professional writers or good english knowing persons I'm sure that I can express my feelings to myself and others.
In last two blogs I have written about monsoon and climate I want to conclude this post by the same... Today clouds gathered in sky but there was no raining! We checked Indian Meteorological Dept's website and made sure that monsoon was on its way, it was good going really!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Second Day...

The day went same as yesterday's. No change at all! The day started at 9, the sun was on usual fire till afternoon and after that same story repeated. Clouds gathered and its started raining. But today's raining was heavier than yesterday accompanied by thunderstorms and hard wind. Lots of trees might have touched ground (I've seen couple of them at night!).

The evening brought great tension to our engineering students as the light went with the first raindrop! It didn't came till 9. When we were in the temple suddenly lights lit up. We thought that God had shown sympathy to us. But we were wrong! 2 hours from then light just came and went. We could do nothing without being frustrated and thinking of a deep sleep!
At last light came(permanently) at 11 and we could study.

I know that it will be a routine for us for next 2 weeks. A city like Pune which is free from loadshading has to face these types of problems in rainy season! Strange!!! The day went so simple and predictable today...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

MONSOON.... The First Rain...

What a great evening it was! The clouds gathered in sky in afternoon and everything went so refreshing, cloudy whether... great to enjoy anytime... The rain started in the evening. A fresh breathe came out of soil giving a smell that no perfume can compete with. A natural scent of soil. So refreshing and rejuvenating... Lot of dust had set on leave, roofs, roads no one was able to clean them. Rain did its job so easily that everything around is looking brand new... as if someone has created them just now. I had made up my mind in afternoon to be wet in the first rain of the monsoon and how lucky I was to enjoy first rain on the same evening.

Monsoon has reached Pune on time perhaps 3-4 days earlier. Everyone was expecting it to arrive on Saturday or Sunday this week. But it surprised everyone (as always!!!). It was great atmosphere to have a cup of tea with kanda bhaji. I had cutting at Kalubai (out nashta place) but could not manage bhaji as our kaku is on leave!!! But we are planning to have omelet at night!
The first rain has brought a kind of freshness in environment and everyone is happy on its arrival. The fresh and cold breeze is flowing continuously. There will be no need of fan at night to get a better sleep! But surely no one would think of studies at such conditions!!! But I have to as my semester exam is starting from 7th june!

It was a nice coincidence for me that I have started to write in blog from today! On the day of arrival of monsoon in Pune... It was a nice experience to enjoy rain and writing in blog!