Sunday, June 8, 2008

I could not write yesterday as my paper of power electronics was not as per expectations, Actually I had studied well for this subject and was expecting a good response from my side in exam. But unfortunately it didn't work! Something was wrong from my side only, I think revision was not sufficient and efficient! Let it be! Somethings are not in our hand.
As Aniket says I am a calculated person but its not true totally. It is true that I hardly change my schedule, I don't follow the time purposefully but it is followed! I do belive in God but I don't believe in different forms of God i.e Shiva, Vishnu, Ganpati, Brahma,Indra other Godesses. I think there is a supernatural power existing somewhere in the universe and that is God. No can see it, no one can predict it, no one can predict it but... it is there , yes... it can be experienced many of must have... But I go the nearby temple everyday. I don't have any special purposes for that, I feel calm and satisfied that's why I go the temple nothing private matter!!!
I had to study for EWRS I am not getting sufficient for my blog. But as soon as exams get over I will a true blogger...