Monday, August 11, 2008

A Golden Day…

Thanks to Abhinav Bindra for making us proud by winning first ever GOLD medal after that golden age of Indian hockey… I think in 1980 India has bagged gold for hockey, unfortunately it was the end of era and still no chances of regaining it. Abhinav is the first Indian which has won gold medal individually for our country. He has done this miracle in 10m air rifle competition. Actually these types of results were not expected from Indians but such miracles happen. Actually I should not call it just a miracle. It is his efforts, concentration and talent which have made this possible. He was at no 4th after qualifying for the finals but he made come–back and bagged golden! My heartiest congrats to you …

On the other hand star players could not do well…We lost test match and series also against Sri Lanka. We fought well but did not succeed. Better luck for next events. But Olympics have shown some type of encouragement for we and specially for other players.

This was all about the sports… Now, coming to mine…I have class tests going in our autonomous college. Today there were two papers. And one of the weirdest things happened to me. I solved two questions which were in option to one other! I have lost 10 marks on the spot but I noticed that while discussing paper with one of my friends Shakyamuni . Someone has told correctly; Do not discuss the paper after the exam! Let it be I have forgotten the same now (after publishing this post!!!) I have still one chance (Best of Two policy!)

Hmmm…I am feeling that I am writing a diary on computer. I have seen many blogs but most of the blogs are dedicated to a particular subject or topic like movies, politics, Olympics, cricket, poems, etc. Many few blogs that I have observed are of 'Diary' type. One thing is clear that no one is going to be excited or interested in my personal life. I am also not thinking about the same.

I am thinking seriously about utilizing this blog for a good purpose…I will be doing it once I finish my exam and when I get 'good' time!! Till then enjoy your life!!! As it is beautiful!

Good Bye!